There's a lot of fascination with the ocean, but why wouldn't there be? The sea is teeming with life! From your regular fishes, to your giagantic cephalopods, to your tiniest krill. Sea life truly is amazing, but theres a good amount that has never been explored. As of 2023 there has only been 24.9% (or 25% if you're deathly afraid of decimals) of the seafloor actually explored and mapped. This is mostly because of insane preassure, unforgiving temperates, and endless darkness. We're discovering new creatures every year, but there has been one that has managed to puzzle and confuse people for CENTURIES! And that, is the Lochness Monster.
Called Nessie by most, the Lochness Monster counts as a cryptid. For the uninformed, which i'm assuming is a small majory, cryptids are creatures that people believe to possibly exist but are not yet confirmed to. Most of these wonderous beasts are area exclusive, for example the Loveland Frog is exclusive to Ohio folklore. You surely won't find any other frog person anywhere else! This too rings true for our dearest Nessie, as she has only been spotted in the Loch Ness. But alas, was she too good to be true? Today we shall unpack that.
When it comes to cryptids, I believe Nessie to actually be one of the most plausible ones. It's hard to back up your reptile-like depictions of chupacabras, but a strange bloodsucking dog is probably easier to explain away. You see, Nessie is usually depicted as a creature simular to that of a dinosaur.